Prue Frost
Prue Frost is a self-taught, intuitive, expressive, and semi-abstract painter based in Sydney, Australia. She works primarily with acrylics, as her creative process demands speed and often takes place in short bursts amidst the whirlwind of a young family. Prue draws all her inspiration from nature, following her instincts to capture scenes that move her, often feeling compelled to paint them immediately.
Prue Frost - In it Together
Prue Frost - Freshly Popped
Prue Frost - Precious
Prue Frost - The Pond II
Prue Frost - The Pond I
Prue Frost - Green Tea
Prue Frost - Moves Me
Prue Frost - Feels Right
Prue Frost - Pop In
Prue Frost - Cooler Days
Prue Frost - Shoulder Season
Prue Frost - Good Grief
Prue Frost - Pretty As
Prue Frost - MIsty Mornings
Prue Frost - Sideways Rain
Prue Frost - August Wind
Prue Frost - Easy Breezy
Prue Frost - Pom Poms
Prue Frost - State of Play
Prue Frost - Gone for Good
Prue Frost - Heavy Handed
Prue Frost - Charming
Prue Frost - Soft Touch
Prue Frost - it’s been awhile
Prue Frost - Water Baby
Prue Frost - Firebird
Prue Frost - Double Dip
Prue Frost - High Drama
Prue Frost - The King